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Bear Alert Lake Junaluska Area

We have a young yearling bear that seems to be frequenting our lake grounds this year.  Just this week he (or she) was crossing the footbridge (you read that correctly), roaming around Kilgore Road, and investigating someone's deck on Mouzon Road...to name just a few of the sightings. There is also a much larger bear that makes his way here from time to time...usually on Wednesdays!  Since we live in "bear country" there isn't anything NC Wildlife will do under the current circumstances. Right now the bear's natural food source is very limited. Blackberries etc. aren't producing yet so they're looking for other sources. Here are some tips to make your property less attractive to them. 

  1. Be alert when you step outside, especially at night.
  2. Be loud from a safe distance if you encounter one on your property!
  3. Be selfish with your:
    Garbage cans - I have secured my lid with wire cables and carabiners that I found on Amazon. (so far, so good)
    Birdfeeders - You might consider waiting until later in the year to put them back out.

Stay Safe,